About Us

Our Vision

We will empower mind, body and spirit by building resilience through effective evidence-based practices.


Esperanza Hope for the Future Counseling Services Inc. embraces diversity and cultural values to provide services that nurture the mental wellness of individuals and families.

Embracing Diversity

We understand that everyone is different and we want to honor and cater to each of those differences.


It's part of our name, and we desire to share hope with everyone.


We value honest, authentic, and clear communication.

Our Team

Meet our team

Meet Our Therapists


Ruth N. Arce

Master in Education
Clinical Director

Ruth has a master’s degree in counseling from Ana G. Mendez University in Puerto Rico. Ruth has 10 years of experience in the mental health field. One of the most popular quotes that Ruth shares with her clients is, “You never know what you can do until you try”.


Julie Joaquin

Bachelor in Education

Julie got her Bachelor of Education with Academic Orientation from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. (Cum Laude). Julie has 4 years of experience in the mental health field.

One of the most popular quotes that Julie shares with her clients is, “Tú no eres tú trauma, eres mucho más que eso”.


Leonor Pensiero

Master in Family and Individual Therapy

Leonor has a Master’s in family and individual therapy from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Leonor has over 11 years of experience in the mental health field.


Milagros Paulino P.

MA Clinical Psychology

Milagros got her Master’s in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. Milagros has 7 years of experience in the mental health field. One of the most popular quotes that Milagros shares with her clients is, “Siempre habrá una razón en nuestras vidas para fortalecernos día a día”.



Millersville University Graduate
Candidate in Master of Social Work
EMDRIA Trained EMDR Trauma Therapist

Roberto holds over 14 years of mental health experience in the Lancaster area, with placements including: therapeutic support staff in schools, working as a family-based therapist, and several years of outpatient therapy experience. Roberto popular quotes that he shares with his clients is “Life is difficult, but together we can make things more manageable”


Sandra Paulino

Master in Clinical Psychology

Sandra got her Master in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo. Sandra has 5 years of experience in the mental health field. One of the most popular quotes that Sandra shares with her clients is, ”Lo grande no sucede solo por un impulso, si no que es una sucesión de pequeñas cosas que se juntan”.


Steve Martin

Bachelor in Youth Ministry and Psychology

Steve graduated from Eastern University with a bachelor’s in Youth Ministry and minor in Psychology. Steve has 3 years of experience in the mental health field. One of the most popular quotes that Steve shares with his clients is from Victor Frankl: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”


Terrence Rosario

Bachelor in Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies

Terrence earned his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College University. Terrence has 4 years of experience in the mental health field. One of the most popular quotes that Terrence shares with his clients is, “Remember hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”


Virginia Cortes

Masters is Counseling

Virginia got her master’s in counseling from Inter American University of Puerto Rico. Virginia has more than 30 years of experience in the mental health and in the Drug and alcohol fields. One of the most popular quotes that Virginia shares with her clients are, ”You are at the right place” and “We are here for you”.


Dr. Charles Tita



Dr. Ebong Constance

Clinical Director



Master Clinical Social Work, Autism Sciences, and other Neurodevelopmental

Yamillette Burgos graduated from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico with a Master of Clinical Social Work and from Carlos Albizu University in San Juan, P.R., with a Master of Science in Autism Sciences and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Yamillette possesses five years of experience in the field of mental health. One of the most popular quotes that Yamillette shares with her clients is, “Obstacles do not exist; human beings are experts in placing them in their minds.”

Meet Our Staff


Yolanda Plaza

Director of Operation / Billing


Felicia Plaza

Administrative Assistant


Jackeline Estremera

Lead Administrator


Shirley Melendez

Bachelors in Ministry
Administrative Assistant

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